Our Expertise

Our work encompasses a broad range of strategic communication services including but not limited to:

CSC’s approach to strategic planning is highly pragmatic. We partner closely with senior clients and their teams to identify pain points, areas in need of alignment, and big questions for further exploration. CSC’s principal has successfully led complex strategic planning exercises for clients who are both new to the process and who use strategic planning to stress test or fine-tune strategy and communication.

Sometimes senior executives need to work on their “leadership brand.” CSC works with senior executives who are exploring thought leadership opportunities, evaluating purpose-driven philanthropy, identifying social sector partnerships and preparing for more proactive engagement with a broad range of external audiences. CSC provides content development and strategic counsel in close partnership with the client.

CSC principal works closely with senior executives to prepare them for more proactive communication. Our approach is bespoke and pragmatic and designed to provide just the right level of training. CSC principal has trained executives across many sectors and functions, including C-Suite, Marketing Comms, Public Affairs and Communications.

CSC works to develop and fine-tune company narrative and issue-specific messaging. We are also prepared to soft-sound messaging with internal and external audiences. Our approach to organizational storytelling is pragmatic and always starts with internal audiences who are often in the best position to provide the most interesting narratives and the most compelling testimonies.

All organizations face new and emerging issues that can challenge their ability to drive mission. CSC partners with executive teams to identify, prioritize, message and manage the most critical issues.

CSC principal has a deep knowledge of the NGO space and is prepared to support third-party identification and alignment strategies. CSC is especially committed to developing successful and sustainable public/private partnerships, including partnerships with the social service sector.

CSC is prepared to conduct audits designed to identify the current perceptions and expectations of key stakeholders. Perception audits can be used as part of an organization’s strategic planning process to guide strategic thinking and land on the most effective executions.

CSC conducts stakeholder analysis to help organizations prioritize their outreach and engagement strategies. Our work includes evaluation current partnership efforts and counsel on new partnerships.

CSC works with senior executives to launch internal communications efforts designed to change culture, introduce new products or services and or fine tune an organization’s vision and mission.

CSC can deliver primary and secondary research working in partnership with experts in quantitative and qualitative analysis, including focus group recruitment and management.

CSC partners can deliver short- and long-term design projects at a price point that delivers real value to our clients. These include graphics and identity, corporate website design, issue advertising, and digital experiences.

Principal and Advisors

Founder and Principal

Crossby Street Consultants

Chief Human Resources Officer

Cornerstone Research

Senior Director, Global Communications

The Gap Brand

Vice President

Ingersoll Rand



Principal and Founder

Marta Siberio Consulting

Founder and Principal

The Vanguard Group for Leadership LLC


BJH Advisors


Stratalys Research & Consulting